Hi there, Have you always wanted to know how social media evolved into what it is today? Check this video out!

Hey guys! I was looking through the blog roll and came across interesting stuff and decided I should share this information with you guys. Various thoughts and comments about blog posts made by our fellow classmates that I totally agreed with.  MEA2013 blog post!   OF COURSE EVERYTHING IS A REMIX!  It comes down to […]

Can online activism become a major political force? As always, people my already know the meanings of various words but forget hot to present that knowledge; even though I knew what ‘activism’ meant, I did have to research and refresh my memory What is online activism? Internet activism (also known for online activism as well as […]

With the introduction of the web 2.o has come significant cultural and social change. The powerful and border erasing social media platforms such as MySpace and Instagram have changed the way we experience the world and most importantly changed our environment; consequently what influences us. Therefore the way in which we come up with new […]

Difference between produsage and production? Produsage Produsage is when one takes interest in different social media outlets they tend to ‘research’, they look at other blogs before posting their own or ‘stalk’ in a sense other instagrams before choosing to post a picture on their own personal Instagram. The steps taken in publishing a pieces […]

Web 2.0 began as a resource of empowerment for individual’s who wanted to express themselves through different social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and more. The people who invented these social networks such as Mark Zuckerberg had a vision to allow people from all ages, all nationalities, religions, countries, gender and anything else […]

Much like the technology that gave us social networking, it is essential that, it too can be progressively innovative. Technology has evolved in such as way that we rely upon it for daily function. The evolution of technology has only been possible due to companies, industries and forward thinking individuals taking notice and acting on […]

Hi there, We are both students at Victoria University, studying a Bachelor of Communications majoring in Public Relations. One thing that we have in common, is our addiction and obsession with YouTube. YouTube provides our entertainment on a daily basis from, beauty tutorials and also watch all of Ray Willam Johnsons videos! Considering social media […]


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